Up Next Cohort - Program Closure / Clarifying Next Steps

As we wrapped up this year's Up Next Cohort, we gathered for a reflective and forward-looking session focused on the program’s key takeaways, next steps, and an open discussion about your experience.
During this closure meeting, we revisited some of the most impactful insights from the program, explored how to apply these learnings as you prepare for your next career leap, and outlined potential paths forward for your continued growth. The session also provided space for cohort members to share their personal experiences and connect on the outcomes that mattered most.
This was an opportunity to celebrate the strides made in your leadership journey, discuss the tools and strategies gained, and solidify your network with fellow cohort members.
i4cp’s Up Next Cohort develops CHRO readiness capability through core content, speakers, research, case studies, and network building. Designed by experienced CHROs and endorsed by i4cp’s Chief HR Officer Board, the Up Next Cohort is a six-month development opportunity for HR leaders who are just one step away from their next big leap.
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