Chief Learning & Talent Officer Board In-Person Meeting

At the March in-person meeting we had a first look at the i4cp Upskilling/Reskilling Research by i4cp's Senior Research Analyst, Tom Stone.  Following Tom, we heard from Karen Kocher, General Manager, 21st Century Jobs, Skills and Employability at Microsoft about their Global Employability Initiative.  Later that morning, we were pleased to welcome guest speaker, Rob Cross, Professor of Global Business at Babson College who discussed Cultural Agility and Cultural Analytics.  

In the afternoon, we had a member presentation from GE's Paul Fama on Accelerating Cultural Transformation by Accelerating Learning. We ended the day with a presentation from Andrew Razeghi, Professor at the Kellogg Scholl of Management at Northwestern University and Founder of StrategyLab, Inc. on  Learning from the Startup Experience: What to Embrace and What to Avoid.  


This meeting is exclusively for members of the Chief Learning & Talent Officer Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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