Action Plan for Flexible Work Arrangements Revealed

The i4cp Flexible Work Arrangements Pulse Survey Analysis is now available. This study highlights some of the lessons organizations have learned from these programs and provides an action plan for those looking to further capitalize on this highly valued benefit.

Flexible work arrangements are popular among both employees and employers for a variety of reasons. Flexwork opportunities cater to individual employees’ preferences for schedules and commuting, allowing for greater work/life balance. They also allow employees to work from home when sick, creating a healthier work environment. Flexwork is also recognized for bolstering retention rates, opening new talent pools and increasing engagement. Though the reasons tend to vary by company size and performance, it’s clear that flexible work arrangements will continue to be a growing trend.

But what are some of the associated problems and pitfalls? What about employees who are unable to take advantage of the benefit? How do employers measure and promote productivity? The Flexible Work Arrangements Pulse Survey Analysis examines the lessons learned and provides an eight-step action plan for organizations looking to establish or improve their current offerings. Download the analysis now. Pulse Survey Results and Interactive Data are also available.
Erik Samdahl
Erik is the head of marketing at i4cp, and has nearly 20 years in the market research and human capital research industry.