New Podcast: Digital Shadows and Their Productivity Implications

Total Picture Radio's Peter Clayton recently interviewed i4cp's Mark Vickers about his most recent TrendWatcher, titled Digital Shadows: The Rise of New Workforce Productivity Issues. Their discussion is now available in podcast format for download.

The podcast examines how employees' actions - both in the workplace and in their personal lives - are leaving a digital imprint. This digital imprint is made up of stored data collected from cell phones, laptops, credit cards, Facebook accounts or the plethora of other communication or information technologies that are available today. Several companies already track day-to-day performance down to the keystroke, and recruiters are looking on social networking sites to screen candidates. While there are plenty of benefits to this data explosion, there are also negative productivity implications that, without the right tools, can lead to data overload and result in unnecessary work and even more distractions in an age where multitasking is already a significant challenge.

Download the podcast now
or visit Total Picture Radio for other TrendWatcher podcasts.
Erik Samdahl
Erik is the head of marketing at i4cp, and has nearly 20 years in the market research and human capital research industry.