Podcast: What Works When It Comes to Employee Coaching

TotalPicture, in its continued weekly program that interviews i4cp researchers, analysts and Pillar Directors on our recent TrendWatcher articles, has released the latest podcast: What Really Works When It Comes to Coaching.

The employee coaching podcast interviews i4cp Leadership Pillar Director Mary Key and examines how coaching has changed over time in execution and perception. For instance, having a coach used to be regarded as a bad thing as coaching was most frequently aimed at problem employees, but now, companies are focusing on their high-potential employees as the proper targets. The interview specifically discusses research and analysis derived from a recent global study commissioned by the American Management Association (AMA) and conducted by i4cp.

If you don't want to listen to the podcast, you can also read the original TrendWatcher article on employee coaching.
Erik Samdahl
Erik is the head of marketing at i4cp, and has nearly 20 years in the market research and human capital research industry.