Next Practices Weekly HRCI Hero

Cancelled - Next Practices Weekly for July 04, 2024

Due to the Independence Day holiday in the US, the event scheduled for July 4th has been cancelled. We encourage you to join us for future sessions, beginning on July 11th where i4cp's Rob Cross, SVP of Research, and Katheryn Brekken, PhD, Senior Research Analyst, explore key themes from our latest study, The Team Network Effect™.

About Next Practices Weekly
The Next Practices Weekly series provides a forum for HR leaders to come together, discover, and advance the next best practices. Each week, you’ll hear from a Strategic HR, Talent & Learning, DE&I, or Talent Acquisition executive from some of the largest and most respected organizations in the world.

These discussions address the top concerns of HR practitioners, incorporate the latest research from i4cp, and are shared amongst your peers in a collaborative setting. This is a great opportunity for you to share, hear, and debate effective (and ineffective) approaches that make sense for your employees and organizational objectives.