Michael Killingsworth of Shell Oil Receives 2016 Board Member of the Year Award

Boards are reserved exclusively for senior executives in a
particular function, and are invitation only. They exist not only to be groups
of true peers who are dealing with issues of similar scope and importance, but
to act as true boards of directors for the professions they serve.
Michael Killingsworth, Vice President of Learning and Organization Effectiveness at Shell Oil Company,was the recipient of i4cp's 2016 Board Member of the Year, in recognition of his leadership and generous contributions to the advancement of the field of learning and talent management. Killingsworth is a member of i4cp's Chief Learning and Talent Officer Board, a strategic group of 30+ functional heads who serve to address and guide their field. If you missed the award presentation or want to view it again, the video is available here:
Each year, i4cp presents awards at its annual conference to companies its research staff, member services team, and/or thought leaders deem exceptional in the field of human resources and related function. Next year’s conference will be held March 20 – 23, 2017 in
Scottsdale, Arizona.