HERO DEI 2024 FEB14 2024Priorities

2024 Priorities and Predictions for DE&I Leaders - DE&I Exchange

Within an evolving DE&I landscape, leaders need strategies to help them focus and simplify their roles.  We explored the impact of organizational culture and processes on setting and achieving DE&I goals and shared insights into structural changes. 

Members heard survey results from i4cp's recent survey, Resetting DE&I and participated in group discussions on

  • Priorities that will dominate the year
  • Potential hurdles that can be confronted with enhanced data and a sharp eye on bottom-line business results
  • How to raise the visibility of DE&I’s positive impacts on organizational culture

Meeting Highlights

i4cp's 2024 Priorities and Predictions

Eric Davis, Creative Director & Senior Editor, shared i4cp's 2024 priorities & predictions that unveil how CDOs are preparing for the future:


  1. Strengthening DE&I strategies to ensure alignment to business goals—from global talent needs to helping guide leaders as they navigate workforce divisiveness and geopolitical challenges.
  2. Fostering inclusion for all, starting with emphasis and ongoing education on inclusive leadership.
  3. Building more inclusive and collaborative cultures by ensuring psychological safety throughout the employee experience.
  4. Expanding tools and resources to enable and support accountability for DE&I initiatives enterprise wide.


📊Resetting DE&I Survey Results

In our latest research, we surveyed 850+ HR and DE&I leaders to understand how DE&I programs are being impacted by the anti-DE&I backlash garnering so much media attention. We discussed these results and shared our own perspectives.

Member Insights (view all responses in attached pdf)

What has been the most important to your organization's ability to drive progress toward stated DE&I goals?


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What is preventing your organization from progressing toward its stated DE&I goals?


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Additional Resources Shared 

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Exchange. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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This event is approved for certification credits.