Culture Renovation Spotlight: AbbVie

In 2011, pharmaceutical and healthcare giant Abbott Laboratories announced it was splitting into two leading healthcare companies. One was to be a diversified medical products company—Abbott—and the other, a new researched-based global biopharmaceutical company—AbbVie.
On January 2, 2013, AbbVie was officially launched when it began trading independently on the New York Stock Exchange and today employs 30,000 people in 75 countries.
The split allowed AbbVie to do something companies rarely get the opportunity to do: create a new culture with an already established workforce and product set. One key to this effort was relying on culture ambassadors to help establish this new culture at the ground level.
“I’m a believer now in the concept of culture ambassadors, but I certainly wasn’t when we first set out to change our culture,” Tim Richmond, the chief human resource officer, confessed to me one morning. Richmond was asked to oversee the company’s culture renovation by the CEO.
“We often talk about the value of top-down leadership and messaging when embarking on a culture renovation, but there’s a lot of influence from the bottom up that I probably underappreciated,” Richmond said. “As we were establishing our culture, I had some people in the company approach me to say we should create these culture ambassadors around the world. Every country should have at least one, every site, every laboratory, and even every work group.”
“I remember asking, do we really need to have this right now? But I’ve learned over time that you listen to good people who have good ideas and ask, well, what would that mean? How would it work? It turns out it was a huge catalyst for change. Because you think you have great ideas from headquarters, and sometimes we do, but if you are in another country, it often doesn’t apply. In my career I’ve been on an international assignment, and you get something from headquarters, and you think, I have no idea what this is. We have no idea how to use it. But the concept of a local ambassador is someone who works at the local level to take the broad enterprise ideas and create from it whatever is important to them.”
AbbVie had the rare blank canvas on which to paint new cultural norms, and relied on those ambassadors to ensure the norms were uniform and understood globally.
“We had the opportunity to chart our own course when we became a stand-alone company at the beginning of 2013,” said Richmond. “It was up to us to establish our independence and build our future, and it was essential that we succeed—for our employees, our shareholders, and, most importantly, our patients. Creating our culture was so essential to our business success that it was established as one of our top four business priorities.”
We sat down with Richmond a few months ago to further discuss culture in the pandemic, the company’s philosophy on talent, the importance of diversity and inclusion, and more. You can listen to our interview with Tim Richmond here.
article was originally published on Visit the website for additional resources, solutions, and information about the bestselling book.

Kevin is CEO and co-founder of the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), the world’s leading human capital research firm focusing on people practices that drive high performance. i4cp conducts more research in the field of HR than any other organization on the planet, highlighting next practices that organizations and HR executives should consider adopting.
Kevin is also the author of Culture Renovation®, an Amazon bestseller which debuted as the #1 new release in a dozen Amazon book categories. Drawing on data from one of the largest studies ever conducted on corporate culture, Culture Renovation™ details how high-performance organizations such as Microsoft, T-Mobile, 3M, AbbVie, Mastercard and many more have successfully changed organizational culture.
Kevin is currently on the board of Performitiv, and on the advisory boards of Guild Education and Sanctuary. Kevin was previously on the board of directors of KnowledgeAdvisors, a provider of human capital analytics software, which was purchased by Corporate Executive Board in March of 2014. Kevin was also the Chairman of Jambok, a social learning start-up company which was founded at Sun Microsystems and was purchased by SuccessFactors in March 2011. Additionally, Kevin served on the boards of Workforce Insight and Koru prior to their sales.
Kevin is on the board of Best Buddies Washington and helped establish the first office for Best Buddies in the state in 2019. Best Buddies is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Kevin was previously the Founder and the President of SumTotal Systems (NASDAQ: SUMT) which he helped create in 2003 by merging Click2learn (NASDAQ: CLKS) with Docent (NASDAQ: DCNT). The merger won Frost & Sullivan's Competitive Strategy Award in 2004.
Prior to the formation of SumTotal, Kevin was the Chairman & CEO of Click2learn, which was founded by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft. Kevin helped take Click2learn public and engineered over a dozen acquisitions post-IPO. Prior to joining Click2learn, Kevin was president and founder of Oakes Interactive in Needham, MA. Oakes Interactive was purchased by Click2learn (then called Asymetrix) in 1997, prior to going public a year later.