The 7 Habits of Healthy Cultures
The Next Practices Weekly call series has become a well-attended and wide-ranging discussion for HR leaders each Thursday at 11am ET / 8am PT. On this week's call, i4cp Senior Research Analyst Tom Stone hosted his colleague Katheryn Brekken, PhD, also a Senior Research Analyst at i4cp, who presented key findings at the intersection of two recent i4cp studies on culture fitness and generative AI. Here are some highlights from the call:
- Download the slides above or view the recording to see the many research findings that were shared.
- Participant Poll #1: How has your organization’s culture changed over the past year?
- 9% Become much healthier
- 44% Become slightly healthier
- 20% No change
- 24% Become slightly toxic
- 2% Become very toxic
- Participant Poll #2: How is change generally viewed in your organization?
- 11% As a part of our business model – to be the disruptor
- 7% As an opportunity to shake things up
- 24% As normal, expected and manageable
- 50% As wearing us down; there’s been too much for too long
- 5% As a threat; it destabilizes what we do
- 3% As overwhelming and beyond our ability to manage
- Participant Poll #3: In which of the following ways do you personally use generative AI at work?
- 49% I don’t use generative AI at work
- 36% Researching information
- 27% Drafting personal emails or other correspondence
- 17% Analyzing / interpreting data
- 17% Creating drafts of policies
- 16% Writing job descriptions
- 13% Creating interview questions
- 20% Other
Links to resources shared on the call:
- Upcoming i4cp virtual events
- i4cp's Next Practices Now conference
- Information on i4cp Membership
- Past i4cp NPW events
- HRE’S HR Technology Conference & Exposition (October 2023)
- i4cp’s Learning & Development Survey (open through early September, 2023)
- i4cp's study Culture Fitness (members only): Healthy Habits of High-Performance Organizations
- i4cp’s Culture Fitness Brief (for everyone)
- i4cp’s Toolkit: How to hold Leaders accountable for employee experience (members only)
- Article: "How Generative AI Will Forever Change the Role of Instructional Designers"
- i4cp’s NPW: Generative AI: What HR leaders should be doing now (on-demand recording)
This event is approved for certification credits.