Skills-Based Workforce Development

Based on conversations with Board members, we planned the meeting as a sharing discussion where we will take a fresh look at how you are pursuing a skills-based talent strategy. The meeting was set up to maximize the time spent sharing your experiences.   We focused on these three questions:

In your pursuit of a skills-based talent strategy in the last year:

  • Q1:  (How) has your strategy/approach changed?  (What are you doing differently?) 
  • Q2: What has been your most important accomplishment? 
  • Q3: What is the biggest lesson learned that you could share?

The Chief Learning & Talent Officer Board is reserved exclusively for the senior-most talent & learning executive in organizations. It is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver seat of organizational innovation.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Chief Learning & Talent Officer Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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