Leading the Way Podcast: Britt Berrett, Former CEO of Dallas’ Presbyterian & Medical City Hospitals

In this week’s episode of Leading the Way, we peek through the microscope of the rapidly-changing healthcare industry and talk to a leader who is on the cusp of that change. Our featured guest, Dr. Britt Berrett, the former CEO of Dallas’ Presbyterian and Medical City Hospitals, is a leader who’s disrupting the traditional approach toward leading a healthcare organization as explained in his book, Patients Come Second – Leading Change by Changing the Way you Lead. Dr. Berrett currently serves as the Program Director of Healthcare Management in the Jindal School of Management at the University of Texas at Dallas, providing a tremendous foundation in the preparation for the next generation of healthcare leaders.
Dr. Berrett shares inspiring stories like how he discovered his true purpose in the healthcare field and the “bad boss” who was the catalyst for him becoming the leader he is today. We talk about passion, the next generation in healthcare, and how their purpose-driven motivation will drive tremendous change. Britt shares his secrets for his success such as the leadership development program that “evaporated turnover” and the Caring Model and Promise Program that answered the question, “How do we want to be treated?”
Tune in as the future of healthcare is revealed in this episode of Leading the Way.
Key Soundbites
- Advice to next generation – “Find your passion and give back. Do something purposeful and meaningful in life. And I think that will prove the day for them.”
- On culture – “Our foundation was, if you have employees that love being at work, they’ll do amazing things. And the foundation is build your team, create an organization that can provide exceptional care, and then they will be able to take care of the patient.”
- On leadership - “The healthcare leader of the future has got to be prepared for a very chaotic and challenging environment. Leaders need to love the purpose and meaning behind the organization and need to love the men and women that are on that.”
- On agility – “We need healthcare leaders that are well prepared for change. We need agility. We need to be able to pivot quickly on different protocols and treatment patterns and allow those clinicians to do what they do and explore and investigate. This is a time to be in healthcare.”
- On purpose - “If your team doesn’t know why they’re there, you’re doomed for failure. Ask, ‘Why are we doing what we’re doing’ and then ask, ‘where are we going to take it?’. When you break that, magic happens and then you start drawing and attracting amazing men and women who feel that same passion.”
About Leading the Way
Leading the Way is a weekly radio show and podcast series that highlights influential business leaders and leading people practices from i4cp. Co-hosted by Emmy award-winning television anchor and radio host, Scott Murray, and i4cp’s Angel Carlton, the show features interviews with respected business leaders from the world of business, sports, entertainment, healthcare and philanthropy.
The show airs live every Sunday at 4 pm CT on KLIF 570 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, the global audience is invited to listen live on www.klif.com and the weekly podcast debuts on iTunes or Google Play and the i4cp website the following week.