Infographic - The Business Benefits of Investing in Employee Well-Being
The COVID-19 pandemic is exacting incredible costs on business continuity, productivity, and organizational survival. Moreover, it is taking monumental tolls worldwide on community health as well as the physical, mental, financial, social, and career well-being of individuals.
This infographic highlights data from i4cp's Next Practices in Holistic Well-Being: The Performance Advantage report and outlines the ways Holistic Well-Being has become a hallmark of high-performance.
Click here for more resources related to i4cp's research on holistic well-being.
Eric received his master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from Marshall University in 1996. He has had 20+ years of workforce experience in a variety of fields. Before coming to i4cp, he worked as a laboratory technician for DuPont, a conference planner for Marshall University, the public relations manager for the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Technical Manufacturing, and a graphic designer for COX Communications.