
Last Year’s Conference: A Taste of What’s to Come

The i4cp 2015 Conference is already shaping up to be the largest on record (I know we say that every year, but it's also true every year), with plenty of fantastic presenters covering a variety of topics from workforce analytics to developing high-potential employees and HR trends.

There's no reason why you shouldn't at least consider attending this great event, so I wanted to recap a few of the noteworthy revelations that came from the i4cp 2014 Conference to serve as a taste of what's to come in 2015: The lineup this year will include a whole new group of industry thought leaders and executives (so far, we have officially announced Professor Patrick Wright, IBM's head of analytics Chris Broderick, and General Mills' chief learning officer Kevin Wilde, but several more will be revealed in September). Coupled with more opportunities for networking and, of course, a consultant-free environment (you'll be sitting next to your peers, not someone looking to sell you something), the i4cp 2015 Conference is well worth it.

To sweeten the deal, you''ll save $500 if you sign up by September 30, 2014. Sign up now!
Erik Samdahl
Erik is the head of marketing at i4cp, and has nearly 20 years in the market research and human capital research industry.