10 Reasons the People-Profit Chain Assessment is a Great Investment
You've probably heard that i4cp recently introduced the People-Profit Chain™ in a special research report. The complimentary report explains the science behind the model of unique people practices that drive market value. It shows how key performance indicators--selected for their especially high correlation to market criteria--combine to create powerful outcomes across the five domains of Talent, Culture, Market, Strategy, and Leadership.
But how effective is your organization at using these people practices to drive market performance? Find out by using the value-added companion to the research, the People-Profit Chain™ Assessment.
Here are 10 reasons the People-Profit Chain Assessment is a great buy:
- The People-Profit Chain Assessment is based on specialized research. The model's sound theoretical underpinning makes it uniquely suited for making an integrated evaluation of people practices. It provides a rigorous and tested yardstick for organizational measurement.
- The assessment brings clarity to what you're already doing. Every organization has all the areas of the People-Profit Chain, but the question is how strong or weak the areas of the chain are in your organization. Do your practices in managing talent, leadership, strategy implementation, culture and market/customer create the capability to drive the organization towards financial and mission success?
- Everything can't be a number one priority. The People-Profit Chain Assessment helps you step back and take a systemic view of your organization through the prism of people outcomes. When you identify the most important gaps for your organization, your true priorities emerge.
- This could be the start of something good. Every assessment is a beginning point for making changes. The assessment provides you with data to guide the change and includes a Net Supporter Score for all domains and key performance indicators. This helps you gain perspective on trend from the get-go (you don't have to wait six months to re-survey) and helps with your change management readiness assessment.
- Gets top team some skin in the game. The people who complete the People-Profit Chain Assessment questionnaire--senior management and their HR business partners--are the ones who are responsible for deciding and implementing organization people policies and practices. They can't afford to ignore or gloss over issues if the organization's performance results are low or trending toward the worse.
- No cookie-cutter approaches. The assessment process respects the business context of your organization. It is not a solution in search of a problem. Your executive team provides the data, receives the report, and decides how to use it.
- The People-Profit Chain Assessment plays well with others. A common initial reaction to any people-related assessment is "we already do an employee survey." The assessment addresses some areas that are frequently evaluated in an employee survey, for example, the level of employee engagement and senior leader decision-making. But it comes at these topics from an organizational perspective rather than from the perspective of an individual employee. This means the two points of view are different in important ways but can serve as reinforcing assessments. Employee survey data can inform managers taking the People-Profit Chain Assessment. The People-Profit Chain Assessment data can help explain why employees respond the way they do to items in an employee survey.
- Peer benchmarking. The post-assessment reports contain benchmarking data at the overall PPC Index level, as well as for the five domains and all KPIs. You can see how your organization's responses compare to those of high-performance organizations, which often motivates senior management to take action.
- i4cp analytical expertise. When the People-Profit Chain Assessment is complete, i4cp provides you with a descriptive and prescriptive analysis delivered in an executive presentation and PowerPoint deck, usually delivered by a senior research thought leader.
- i4cp teams up with you. i4cp's extensive expertise and other resources align with the five domains of the People-Profit Chain™. This means you already have a ready and willing partner--starting with your dedicated account manager--to help follow-up the assessment findings with primary and secondary research, extensive peer networking, issue-focused exchanges, tools, and complete access to benchmark data from our studies. We'll even speak at your next leadership off-site meeting on any of the areas of the People-Profit Chain™ with the latest research and practical ideas for making improvements.
To learn more about the People-Profit Chain™ Assessment, contact your account manager or send us a message.