People & Strategy Call for Articles
i4cp is partnering with the newly rebranded HRPS for a special edition of their acclaimed People & Strategy quarterly journal. To make this a truly impactful issue, we are tapping our best resources - our vibrant practitioner network - for article submissions. Mark Vickers, i4cp's VP of Research, is one of the editors for this special edition, which will focus on insights in using human capital analytics to make business decisions. Please help us and our longtime strategic partners at HRPS by submitting your article and sharing real life human capital management experience.
If you have an idea for an article that would complement People & Strategy, download this PDF to learn more about the requirements. This is a great way to share your expertise and extend your company and personal brand.
HRPS hopes to publish a variety of articles that answer questions such as, but not limited to, the following:
- What key human capital analytics and analytics strategies have the greatest potential impact on business results?
- What organizations are on the cutting-edge of this trend and what are they doing differently from their less analytics-savvy counterparts?
- How have human capital analytics evolved over the years and what will the future look like in this arena?
- What is the art of calculating and communicating analytics in such a way that they will convince and compel key decision markers?
This special issue is about fresh approaches to the topic of analytics that readers - especially CEOs, government leaders, general managers and HR leaders - can use to successfully navigate the complexity of the next decade.