Virtual Meeting: Acquiring Talent from New Labor Pools

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U.S. unemployment is at historic lows, and new data from human capital research firm the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) found that only 14% of companies report they have the talent needed to achieve current and future objectives. The talent shortage is very real, and there’s not a lot of confidence on the part of employers that they’re positioned to attract the talent they need.  

What steps are organizations taking to help address this? Specifically, what new talent pools are they tapping into—and how are they doing it effectively? 

As a TA leader who is likely facing such challenges, we invite you to join i4cp’s vice presidents of talent acquisition Kate Jackson and Ivan Perry, along with NAME and NAME and other talent acquisition leaders, for an hour-long, research-based virtual discussion about innovative ways companies are finding sources of new talent. Learn from other companies, build your own personal network, and share your insights.  

This virtual meeting is an invitation-only event exclusively for heads of talent acquisition. Contact your account representative to get involved.