New York CHO Group - The Invisible Way Successful People Win at Work

What keeps us mired in unproductive work and stress isn’t demanding bosses or impossible assignments....instead, my research shows that the problem is the collaborative intensity of work – time on the phone, on email, and in meetings – which is invisible in most organizations but has risen by 50% or more in the past decade.
While some say it’s better to collaborate more, my extensive study of top performers in over 300 leading organizations uncovers that collaborative overload blocks innovation and execution, dramatically impacts engagement, and risks derailing careers and crushing our overall well-being.
But despite swimming in a sea of these activities most do little about the problem except hope that things will get better.
In this session of the NY CHO I will share examples of professionals who thrive despite the collaborative pressures. People creating enormous impact through their networks, without being overloaded, by adopting clearly described beliefs, behaviors, and structures that free up to 24% of their work time and then focusing on three personal network strategies:
- Mobilizing a broad network for achieving scale
- Creating “pull” by drawing in people and ideas
- Engaging in renewal activities to promote well-being
Please join me and thought leaders from i4cp and Ayers Group for this informative and practical session to leading healthy and happy teams!
-Rob Cross
About Rob Cross:
Rob Cross is the Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Business at Babson College. For almost twenty years, his research, teaching and consulting have focused on applying social network analysis ideas to critical business issues for actionable insights and bottom-line results. He has worked with over 300 leading organizations (companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations) across industries on a variety of solutions including innovation, revenue growth, leadership effectiveness and talent management.
- 8:00 - 8:20 Breakfast & Networking
- 8:20 – 8:40 Welcome and Intro by Kevin Oakes, i4cp
- 8:40 - 9:40 Presentation by Rob Cross
- 9:40 - 10:00 Q&A