EVP Execution TAB July 19 Meeting hero

i4cp Talent Acquisition Board Meeting - Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Execution

In this Board meeting, members—representing heads of TA from some of the largest organizations in the world—will discuss various aspects of the employee value proposition (EVP), and how to bring it to life.


  • Employee value proposition execution 
    Members will share what EVP looks like in their organizations in the context of philosophy, strategy, and execution.
  • DE&I roundtable discussion
    We will discuss and debate the ramifications of and fallout from SHRM’s announcement of dropping the “E” from DEI (see pre-reads below)
  • AI in TA use cases
    We will review a collation of AI in TA uses cases, which has been conducted as part of i4cp’s efforts to identify and highlight how leading companies are effectively using generative AI within HR, TA, and other related functions
  • Fall in-person meeting planning
    Members will help shape the agenda for our fall meeting in New York City

Meeting Pre-Reads: 

i4cp’s Talent Acquisition Board is reserved exclusively for the senior-most talent acquisition leader in their respective organization. It is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver’s seat of organizational innovation.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Talent Acquisition Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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