November 2023 In-Person Meeting at Sony Pictures Entertainment

TA Technology, Early career hiring strategy and Proactive Hiring (hiring without an immediate role for placement) were three of the many subjects i4cp’s Talent Acquisition Board discussed at its Nov. 6-8 meeting hosted by Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City, CA. Lorrie Lykins led a group discussion on our global research on TA Technology (survey results).  Our roundtable discussion on early career hiring strategy uncovered opportunities for off-setting experienced hires costs.  Pepsi shared details into their “Designate” program that hires for key skills with 90 – 180 days before a role is defined.  And, we had a lively discussion with the Chief Diversity Officer Board on setting diversity goals which uncovered opportunities for better alignment of the functions.  Hot topics that the group compared lessons learned on were things like:

  • Onboarding technology.
  • Chatbots to help candidates find roles.
  • To use or not use Fitscore (or other AI driven candidate matching ratings).
  • Size and role focus for intern groups.
  • Intern conversion rate.
  • Guidelines for intern programs (i.e. housing stipends).
  • And much more…
This meeting is exclusively for members of the Talent Acquisition Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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