HR Technology PAB October 10 Meeting hero

i4cp People Analytics Board Meeting - HR Tech Key Trends and Takeaways

Tom Stone, i4cp Senior Research Analyst and Benchmarks Director, presented an overview of the key trends and takeaways from the recent HR Tech conference, including:

  • The primary trends observed at the event, with a focus on what HR leaders are prioritizing in their HR Tech spending as they plan for 2025.
  • The growing interest in people analytics and its prominence during the conference, as well as the widespread use of AI in vendor marketing materials.
  • Which HR technology platforms have recently gained the attention of Board members, the reasons behind these adoptions, and the initial results and objectives of these implementations. 

The i4cp Boards are reserved exclusively for the most senior HR executives in organizations. Each Board is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver seat of organizational innovation.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the People Analytics Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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