Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Next Practices 11/17
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
About the 2022 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Next Practices series
Maureen “Mo” Berkner Boyt, Founder and CEO of The Moxie Exchange joins this installment in our series on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Next Practices. The Moxie Exchange partners with companies to create workplaces that are more inclusive.
Join us to hear insights on:
- The neuroscience of behavioral change: What kind of resource design and delivery is effective? What kind of resources and experiences work for different groups? What cadence should be set when operationalizing?
- Using "windshield" vs. "rearview mirror" data to drive change
- Empowering frontline, new managers, and leaders who are often the ones shaping cultures and microcultures - often having the most impact but the least resources.
Bring your questions, challenges, and triumphs, and share openly amongst like-minded peers. To ensure open discussion, this event is exclusively for HR practitioners. Vendors and consultants are not permitted to attend.