CHRO Board Meeting Hero

Culture Health in the New Era of Work & Looking Ahead to 2023

Thanks to all who made this a lively and thought-provoking discussion.  Below is a summary of our 12/8/2022 CHRO Board meeting. 

First, we introduced a new i4cp researcher who will be supporting our Board, Mollie Lombardi.  Here is Mollie’s LinkedIn profile:,

We transitioned to a review, by Kevin Martin, of the brand new i4cp research of Priorities and Predictions for 2023.  These were well received by our Board and galvanized robust discussion.  These topics will help guide our meeting agendas for the coming year.  The report will publish on December 20th.  Here’s a sneak peek into some of the report’s most relevant findings:

CHRO’s Top Priorities:

  • Staying on the talent offensive and ensuring tight alignment to organizational strategy
  • Refocusing the employee value proposition and reinforcing it via a continually renovated culture
  • Avoiding burnout while also building and strengthening HR’s strategic capability
  • Building and rewarding ambidextrous leaders

i4cp Predictions:

  • A healthy culture creates a “recession-proof” organization
  • Managing perceived paradoxes will define top leaders
  • Experience outside of HR becomes a strategic professional building block
  • Flexibility is not a concession—it’s a strategy

Our final discussion item was a review of the recent i4cp study on “What’s next for corporate culture?”.  i4cp senior research analyst Katheryn Brekken reviewed the following findings from this study:

  • 9 traits of a “toxic” culture
  • A few essential practices that distinguish fit cultures from unfit cultures
  • Measures of culture fitness in this new era of work

ACTION ITEM:  Finally, please let us know your thoughts on the following:

  • Strategic advisors to CHROs: We’d appreciate your recommendations on recently retired (or soon to be retired) heads of HR who may be interested in being available to current CHRO’s to help validate and expand their thinking during “Moments that matter”.  Commitment would be three to six months.
  • Your wish list speakers in 2023: Is there an author, expert, researcher, or other kind of guru that you think we should feature at one of our CHRO Board meetings in 2023? If so, please let either Kevin or I know.

We are grateful for your support and engagement with us and wish you and yours all the best for the holiday season.

Take care,


The Chief HR Officer Board is reserved exclusively for the senior-most HR executive in organizations. It is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver seat of organizational innovation.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Chief Human Resources Officer Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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