Talent Acquisition Research and Talent Branding

LinkedIn’s Open Mic Night event will be featured in our upcoming talent acquisition research report. In advance of that, we will publish a stand-alone case study on the event, titled Connecting Talent with Opportunity, on July 31 st. Jennifer talked about these events in detail and included how they are expanding into additional niche recruiting roles, and the results both candidates and LinkedIn employees have experienced since the launch. 

In addition, we discussed talent branding and Next Practices in talent attraction for niche roles and diverse talent communities. 

Other items on the agenda that were discussed:

  • A few board members shared their experiences and results working with The Muse.
  • Lorrie Lykins shared a Google Hire/Google for Jobs brief research review.
  • Mark Walker shared the results of the Board-only TA Technology survey. 

TAB Aug 2017 Meeting Recording

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