Libby Sartain Joins i4cp as Executive in Residence

Sartain's expertise as CHRO at Yahoo! Inc. and Southwest Airlines is now available to i4cp members

Seattle, WA - June 18, 2009 - Libby Sartain, former CHRO at Yahoo! Inc., is now an executive in residence at the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp), the company announced today. Sartain brings more than 30 years of experience in HR and business to i4cp's expanding array of corporate performance experts.

As an executive in residence at i4cp, Sartain will be available to participate in the major project assignments i4cp conducts over the course of a year. She will also provide her insight to aid in the development of:
  • Playbooks, designed to enable managers and leaders to take action based on specific scenarios and situations;
  • Pulse Survey Analysis reports, which analyze and interpret the research data from i4cp's 50+ annual studies;
  • Highlight Reports, which take an in-depth look at each of i4cp's 58 topics of expertise and provide research, corporate examples, scenario planning and more.
Sartain, who was a keynote speaker at i4cp's 2009 Annual Conference, will also be available through i4cp membership to business leaders seeking input and/or advice on specific projects their companies are facing.

"We're excited to have Libby Sartain join i4cp as an executive in residence," said Kevin Oakes, CEO of i4cp. "As CHRO of both Yahoo! Inc. and Southwest Airlines, Libby dealt with a variety of major initiatives that addressed both business transformation and human resource imperatives such as attracting, retaining and developing employees, among many other issues. Our member companies, most of whom are in the Fortune 500 themselves, will benefit greatly from her experiences at similarly large and respected organizations."

"The speed at which change occurs in today's business environment has produced an era of volatility, making it difficult for any organization to practically address talent management with a view much beyond the current budget cycle," said Sartain. "At the same time, the market for talent has tightened, even in a down economy. There are segments of work where the supply of workers cannot keep up with the demand. It will be great to be involved with i4cp and contribute to the research and resources to help us solve these issues."

About Libby Sartain

After 30 years in corporate HR/talent management, now an active business advisor, board member, and HR thought leader. Former CHRO of both Yahoo! Inc. and Southwest Airlines. Member of board of directors of Peet's Coffee & Tea, Inc. (Nasdaq: PEET). Advisor to several start-ups including Alumrise, Jobvite, and Consultant on HR, employer branding and talent management. Frequent speaker, and often quoted as a thought leader in human resources

Sartain is the author of HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business (AMACOM) and Brand from the Inside: Eight Essentials to Connect Your Employees to Your Business (Jossey-Bass), as well as the recently released Brand for Talent: Eight Essentials to Make Your Talent as Famous as Your Brand (Jossey-Bass).

About i4cp, inc.

i4cp is the world's largest vendor-free network of corporations focused on improving workforce productivity. Our vendor-free community facilitates innovation by giving our members - among the largest and most respected organizations in the world - access to:
  • Peers to spark new ideas and prevent "reinventing the wheel,"
  • Research to enable members to understand current practices and next practices,
  • Tools to put ideas and research into action,
  • Technology to enable members to easily access tailored information and execute workforce strategies.
With more than 40 years of experience and the industry's largest team of human capital analysts, i4cp is the definitive destination for organizations seeking innovative ways to improve workforce productivity. For more information, visit
Erik Samdahl
Erik is the head of marketing at i4cp, and has nearly 20 years in the market research and human capital research industry.