i4cp Boards January 2023 Cross-Functional Meeting - 2023 Priorities and Predictions

At this exclusive, one-of-a-kind meeting, we we gathered members who serve on the six distinct i4cp executive Boards to engage in discussion (via smaller breakout groups) on two topics that are highlighted prominently in the i4cp 2023 Priorities and Predictions report.

  • What is your organization doing to address your biggest talent challenge?  Talent is a top priority shared across all i4cp Boards so this will surely generate lots of energy.
  • What are you doing to gauge and ensure your organization’s culture health?  A prediction put forth by i4cp is ‘A healthy culture makes for a recession-proof organization’.

Members walked away with multiple perspectives and strategies that they will be able to consider for their own organization. 

The i4cp Boards are reserved exclusively for the most senior HR executives in organizations. Each Board is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver seat of organizational innovation. 

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Chief Diversity Officer Board, Chief Human Resources Officer Board, Chief Learning & Talent Officer Board, People Analytics Board, Talent Acquisition Board, Total Rewards Leader Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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