SURVEY RESULTS | COVID-19 Response: Collaboration Overload
April 30, 2020

As organizations continue dealing with their new working environment during the Coronavirus pandemic, HR leaders are having to learn to deal with constant video meetings and potential for around-the-clock work.
We conducted a pulse survey of HR leaders to gauge how they are dealing with collaboration overload and these new working conditions; specifically to help HR decision makers understand:
- Which of the following best describes the amount of experience you have working from home on a full-time basis?
- Which of the following best describes the level of collaboration with co-workers you are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What communication channel(s) is causing you to feel the most overloaded?
- During the current crisis, on average, how many meetings (with two or more people) are you participating in during a typical workday?
- How does your organization know if managers and leaders are effectively engaging with their remote teams today?
- How is your organization measuring collaboration within its workforce during the pandemic?
- What strategies are you finding most helpful to manage through the chaos brought about by this pandemic?