Making Insights Work

The People Analytics Board’s annual in-person meeting in Scottsdale included a jam-packed day with all-star speakers and rich discussion around the major themes of well-being, the evolution of our PA practices, AI, data ethics, connecting people and business metrics to make an impact. 

During the day we welcomed guest speakers and explored many different topics including: 

  • Managing Micro stress & Unlocking Relational Well-Being with i4cp SVP of Research, Rob Cross (materials available for download)
    Key takeaway: Micro stressors are second-hand stress and the happiest people are those who know how to counteract their negative effects by creating dimensionality (two to three groups outside work and family).
  • Making Insights Work with Elevance Health & Board Member Co-Chair, Scott Nemeth (presentation available for download)
    Key takeaway: By focusing on the consumer-experience, Elevance Health’s PA function is removing friction between the leaders and the data and insights they need, moving from a “If you build it, they will come” approach to automating insights and solutions – a “Let’s go to them!” solution.
  • Boosting the Bottomline:  Unleashing Value from Teams with i4cp Senior Research Analyst, Katheryn Brekken (presentation available for download)
    Key Takeaway: The majority of teams (79%) suffer from various collaborative dysfunctions and are leaving untapped productivity on the table; by focusing on relationships within and external to the team and making a few tweaks to collaborative behaviors, organizations can increase team effectiveness and market performance.
  • Analytics & Guidance with Univ of Michigan Rensis Likert Professor at the Ross School of Business, Dave Ulrich (presentation available for download)
    Key takeaway: HR is about helping the business succeed in the market place and People Analytics can improve its impact by focusing on metrics that speak to human capital’s impact on the bottom line, e.g. predicting the percentage change to profit and earnings gap between your organization and competitors via people practices, or correlating employee data to consumer satisfaction.
  • Creepy Analytics Group Discussion with Drexel University Professor for HR Leadership & Organizational Science, Sal Falletta (materials available for download)
    Key takeaway: Due to the vast amounts of employee and candidate data organizations have access to, we’re at an ethical cross roads and PA leaders need to have an active role in ensuring the responsible use of human capital data.
  • A conversation with Univ of Southern California Professor Emeritus & Senior Research Scientist, Center for Effective Organizations, John Boudreau
    Key takeaway: The board had a rich discussion with guests John Boudreau, Dave Ulrich and Sal Falletta and lively debate about the well-being of the workforce amid current geopolitical events and the role of civility and empathy.

Following this conversation, the board then took a break and met again for a board dinner and networking event. 

This meeting is exclusively for members of the People Analytics Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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