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Infographic: 5 Organizational Values that Drive Agility

In the latest study from the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) called The Secret Formula for Organizational Agility, 82% of respondents from high-performance organizations indicated that their employees share the organization's values, compared to only 45% of those from lower performers. But which shared organizational values matter most and what can your organization do to foster them?

The five that really matter

Companies with a deeply rooted and visible commitment to one or more of the five values outlined in the infographic below are more likely to be effective at agility than those without them, and respondents from high-agility organizations are 10x more likely to indicate that all five values are embedded in their culture.

This i4cp agility report is available exclusively to i4cp members. Non-members, can download a preview edition now.

5 Values that Drive Organizational Agility

Additional infographics are available on i4cp's newly-launched Pinterest page at
Eric Davis
Eric received his master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from Marshall University in 1996. He has had 20+ years of workforce experience in a variety of fields. Before coming to i4cp, he worked as a laboratory technician for DuPont, a conference planner for Marshall University, the public relations manager for the Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Technical Manufacturing, and a graphic designer for COX Communications.