June 26 Team Network Effect Webinar Hero Image 1200x623

The Team Network Effect Webinar - How Precision Collaboration Unleashes Productivity

Teams today are larger, more dynamic, and more distributed than ever before, thus conventional approaches to their development no longer suffice. New i4cp research found that teams could increase productivity by an average of 39% through improved collaboration.

Join us on June 26 at 1pm ET when i4cp SVP of Research Rob Cross and Sr. Research Analyst Katheryn Brekken, PhD, will share key findings from our latest study into team effectiveness. We will explore:

  • Collaborative dysfunctions plaguing eight out of 10 teams today.
  • Precise practices that create quality networks that drive performance and engagement.
  • Simple tools that can help you architect collaboration within and among teams across the organization that improve productivity and generate economic impact.


This event will begin with an overview of our latest research insights and feature an open discussion for you to ask questions and receive real-time answers from our researchers—and your peers. 

This meeting is exclusively for i4cp member organizations. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if your company qualifies for membership. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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